Wild India
"Tigers frequently yawn to help stretch their muscles, often followed by licking their mouth. It's a tranquil moment, observing them delicately lick their nose."
"A herd of female elephants quenching their thirst caught my attention. What compelled me to capture this frame was the presence of a kingfisher amidst the scene, with spring flowers blooming in the background, Nagarhole"
"It was evening in Ranthambore as we were exiting the park. On the way, we came across a herd of deer grazing. The sun was low, casting a backlight around the horns of the deer. It was a moment worth capturing."
"A cute baby langur sitting in the lap of its mother. It was a beautiful moment captured in Nagarhole."
"T-124, also known as Riddhi, walking straight towards the camera, locking eyes with it. What a moment it was, capturing the direct, head-on approach."
"This picture is from the time I was traveling in Kodai. My friend and I were just wandering through a less-traveled gravel road. As we were walking, I heard some swishing sounds in the branches above me, and I saw this beautiful Giant Squirrel right above me."
"So, a couple of friends and I decided to go on a hike to Avalabetta on New Year's Eve. As we reached the top, we saw a couple of monkeys jumping and creating a nuisance around. But there, I saw a monkey sitting on a platform. As I went in front of it, I was surprised to see tears rolling from its eyes. I even went closer to it; it didn't even flinch. It was a moment worth capturing."
"A Sambar deer stood on its hind legs to reach for leaves from the branches."
"A blue sheep, or Bharal, peeking from the horizon to catch a glimpse of who is stalking them. Clicked in Demul,Spiti"
"It's amazing just to watch elephants going about their daily activities. They truly are gentle giants."
"A gray Indian mongoose stopped and posed as we passed by it in Ranthambore."
"Photography is said to be all about timing. While I was in the That desert searching for the Great Indian Bustard, I encountered a female nilgai walking ahead. In just a fraction of a second, it glanced back, and I captured this picture."
"A crocodile basking in the sun."
"Have you ever observed a tiger sleeping for extended periods of time? In 2023, when I visited Ranthambore, I was fortunate to watch T-120, also known as Ganesh, for close to one and a half hours. It was an absolute bliss to witness moments of its sleep as if it was dreaming of something."
"A deer illuminated by the backlight."
"T-120, also known as Ganesh, waking up in the middle of its sleep cycle."
"A chinkara leaping and running as soon as it spotted us from a far distance. I was fortunate to capture it mid-air."
"Riddhi walked past us, her gaze fixed on the distant chital."
"A chinkara gazing directly at us from a distance."
"The thing about chinkaras is they are very shy of humans, and if they spot you, they run away. While we were searching for the Great Indian Bustard, we came across this chinkara. It was cornered, running for its life. In that moment, I captured this picture. I call it ' The Flash Chinkara' because its legs are blurred out as it runs for its life."
"Just a beautiful herd of deer grazing in the sun's backlight in Ranthambore."
"A blackbuck looking up as it grazes, while I stood there capturing the moment."
"A camel strolling across the expansive desert landscape."
Wild India 🐾


Wild India 🐾
